Rajeev Kumar

Startup Name : Fathoom

About Rajeev Kumar

StartUp Name : Fathoom

Year : 2023-24

Programme Associated with : Startup Agri-Business Incubation Program-V (SABSWAVLAMBI)

Manufacturing and marketing budget friendly innovative farm equipment.

Inception and Vision

In December 2022, a visionary farmer and engineer-turned-entrepreneur embarked on a mission to bridge the gap in agricultural innovation for small and marginal farmers in Bihar. This is the inspiring story of Fathoom, a company that has rapidly become a beacon of hope and progress in the agricultural sector under the steadfast leadership of its founder, a true innovator.

The Genesis of Fathoom

Fathoom was born out of a profound understanding of the challenges faced by small and marginal farmers in Bihar. The founder, an experienced farmer himself, realized the immense potential for growth in the agriculture sector, particularly with the lack of innovative implements tailored to the needs of these farmers. His unique perspective as an engineer, farmer, and entrepreneur fueled his determination to create a company that would not only manufacture but also market advanced agricultural implements.

Overcoming Early Challenges

Starting a manufacturing business in the heart of Bihar was no small feat. The lack of a robust industrial ecosystem posed significant challenges. From sourcing raw materials to establishing efficient production processes, every step was fraught with difficulties. Gaining the trust of the local community and potential customers was a daunting task. Many were skeptical of the new venture, doubting its ability to deliver on its promises.

Financial constraints added another layer of complexity. Securing adequate funding to run a manufacturing business was challenging, and the initial stages were marked by tight budgets and careful financial planning. However, the founder's unwavering belief in his vision kept the dream alive.

Breakthrough and Growth

Despite the odds, Fathoom persevered. The turning point came with the successful launch and sale of their first line of products, including rotavators, minivators, multi-crop threshers, cultivators, and M.B. ploughs. The quality and efficiency of these implements quickly gained traction among local farmers, leading to a surge in demand.

By the end of its first year, Fathoom had generated revenue of approximately 60 lakh INR and employed ten dedicated individuals. The company's products were not just tools but symbols of empowerment for over 500 farmers in Bihar. Each sale was a testament to the hard work, innovation, and resilience that defined Fathoom.

Core Values and Achievements

Fathoom's success is built on a foundation of core values that resonate deeply with its mission. "Believe, believe, believe in yourself" is more than just a motto; it's the driving force behind every decision and action. The founder's belief in his vision, employees, and customers has created a culture of trust and mutual respect within the company.

Respecting employees and valuing customer feedback have been crucial to Fathoom's growth. The company prides itself on maintaining a positive and inclusive work environment, where every employee feels valued and motivated to contribute their best. Customer satisfaction is paramount, and Fathoom continuously strives to exceed expectations with each product and service.

A Bright Future

Today, Fathoom stands as a testament to what can be achieved with passion, perseverance, and innovation. The company has not only transformed the agricultural landscape in Bihar but also set a benchmark for others to follow. With plans to expand further and introduce more innovative solutions, Fathoom is poised to make an even greater impact in the coming years.

Advice to Aspiring Entrepreneurs

To aspiring entrepreneurs, the founder of Fathoom offers this advice: "Believe in yourself, respect your employees, and always prioritize your customers. Challenges are inevitable, but with unwavering faith in your vision and a commitment to innovation, success will follow."

Fathoom's journey is a powerful reminder that even the most daunting challenges can be overcome with determination and a clear sense of purpose. As the company continues to grow and thrive, it remains dedicated to its mission of revolutionizing agriculture for the betterment of small and marginal farmers in Bihar and beyond.

Contact us

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.