Vision of SABAGRIs


Sabour Agri Incubators (SABAGRIs) is established under the flagship of Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour to improve the socio-economic status by improving employment in agriculture and allied sector by setting new enterprises with innovative business solution under the domain of Food, Fibre and fuel and will lead to inclusive development of Bihar and neighboring states

Vision Statement: “Redefining Innovation in agriculture”

Sabour Agri, Sabour Agri Incubators (SABAGRIs)

Mission of SABAGRIs


Sabour Agri Incubators (SABAGRIs) seeks to identify, incubate and assist start-ups whose business models have relevance for rural, social impact, and farmer’s perspective leveraging on expertise and networking for providing solutions to agro and allied business. The evolving gamut of incubation services portfolio includes linkages with banks and other financial institutions, mentorship, training, systematic review processes, joint review, milestone planning, and recommending to RC for final selection from ministry of agriculture & Farmers welfare, GOI for getting Grant-in-Aid up to INR 25 Lakhs depending on respective project. In addition, the most important, as an Incubator we are providing handholding throughout his entire start-up journey until the kick-off after MoA.

Mission Statement: “We are making agriculture, aspirational and remunerative”

Sabour Agri, Sabour Agri Incubators (SABAGRIs)

Contact us

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.