Somadyuti Bose

Startup Name : Delta Fisheries

About Somadyuti Bose

StartUp Name : Delta Fisheries

Year : 2022-23

Programme Associated with : Startup Agri-Business Incubation Program-IV (SABSWAVLAMBI)

The startup has developed unique method of crab cultivation with trial in artificial system at the river estuaries and confluences heavily demanded in export market. The startup is already exporting and earning foreign exchanges. The model is very much replicative for small farmers that can generate a handsome income for them.

The journey so far...

What started as an impossible dream years back has now turned into a reality and is sailing strong. Yes, Soft Shell Crabs! Does it really exist? Crabs with shells so soft that you can slurp every bit with nothing to waste!

We are surrounded with innovations, from mailing services to e-mail and the new generation app scenario. However, we dreamt of an invention. Hardships, obstacles, failures, enmities were understatements. But we did not stop!

Believing in the system of converting an idea into a commercial entity, we developed our prototype way back in 2019. From carrying out an experiment producing 30 kg yearly, we went on to produce 200 kg every month.

The story of our startup, Delta Fisheries Innovations, began in a modest seaside town. Inspired by the delicacies of soft shell crabs in gourmet cuisine, we envisioned making this luxury accessible to everyone. Initially, the idea seemed far-fetched. Yet, with relentless dedication and countless trials, we managed to create a sustainable method to farm soft shell crabs.

With only one farmer, today we have employed over 25 permanent workers and around 50 temporary workers, along with more than 15 outsourced independent farmers. Presently producing nearly 12 tonnes yearly, we have explored the markets in Mexico and important Asian markets too, apart from our regular importers in the UK. Hopefully, we would be able to export complete shipment containers in the near future.

Our breakthrough came in 2021 when a renowned chef featured our crabs on his show, sparking international interest. Orders surged, and our small operation expanded rapidly. We invested in cutting-edge aquaculture technology, ensuring optimal growth conditions for our crabs and a consistent supply for our customers.

Today, Delta Fisheries Innovations stands as a testament to perseverance and innovation. Our journey from a tiny experiment to a global supplier has been challenging yet rewarding. With the world embracing sustainable seafood, we are poised to lead this culinary revolution, one soft shell crab at a time.

Contact us

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.