Shailesh Ganeriwala

Startup Name : OG Hemp Private Limited

About Shailesh Ganeriwala

StartUp Name : OG Hemp Private Limited

Year : 2022-23

Programme Associated with : Startup Agri-Business Incubation Program-IV (SABSWAVLAMBI)

Revolutionizing packaging industries by producing and marketing paper produced from Hemp. Claiming that paper produced from one year production of Hemp from one acre of land is equivalent to 4-10 acres trees grown for 20 years. And developing blends of other organic biomass for the same (patents in process).

OG Hemp: A Journey of Innovation and Sustainability in the Natural Fiber Industry

The story of OG Hemp is one of vision, innovation, and unwavering commitment to sustainability. Founded with the belief that natural fibers hold the key to a greener future, OG Hemp has grown into a pioneer in the hemp industry, making significant strides in transforming the landscape of natural fiber applications.

The Beginning: Seeing Possibilities and Opportunities

Our journey began when we recognized the immense potential and business opportunities in the hemp industry. We saw beyond the traditional uses of hemp and envisioned a future where hemp based products could revolutionize various industries. This foresight led us to enter the hemp market, determined to make a mark with innovative, sustainable solutions.

Our Place in the Natural Fiber Industry

OG Hemp firmly belongs to the natural fiber industry, a sector known for its commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable practices. From the outset, our focus has been on developing high-quality products derived from natural fibers such as hemp, flax, and jute. These fibers not only offer superior performance but also contribute to reducing our ecological footprint.

Innovative Products: Pulp, Paper, and Packaging

One of our key areas of innovation has been the development of hemp-based pulp, paper, and packaging solutions. With the global demand for sustainable packaging on the rise, our products have gained significant traction. Hemp fibers provide an eco-friendly alternative to traditional wood-based products, reducing the need for deforestation and promoting a more sustainable approach to paper production.

Sustainable Advantages of Natural Fibers

The benefits of using natural fibers over conventional materials are manifold. Unlike wood, hemp grows quickly and requires fewer resources, making it a highly sustainable option. By using hemp based fibers, we are not only reducing the strain on our forests but also contributing to a circular economy where resources are used more efficiently and responsibly.

Government Grants and Recognition

Our commitment to sustainability and innovation has not gone unnoticed. Over the years, OG Hemp has received numerous government grants and funds, supporting our research and development efforts. We have been honored with appreciation from various state and national agencies, recognizing our contributions to the natural fiber industry and our role in promoting sustainable practices.

Early Movers in Sustainable Applications

At OG Hemp, we take pride in being early movers in the space of sustainable natural fibers. Our focus on fibers and their diverse applications has positioned us as leaders in the industry. We have successfully conducted pilot cultivations of various crops, constantly exploring new ways to enhance the quality and utility of natural fibers.

Collaborations and Corporate Associations

Our journey has been enriched by collaborations with corporate partners who share our vision for a sustainable future. By providing these partners with plant-based alternatives, we are helping them meet their sustainability goals while driving demand for eco-friendly products. These associations have not only expanded our reach but also solidified our reputation as a trusted provider of natural fiber solutions.

The Road Ahead

As we look to the future, OG Hemp remains committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible with natural fibers. We continue to innovate, collaborate, and advocate for a greener world, where sustainable practices are the norm rather than the exception. Our journey is far from over, and we are excited to explore new horizons in the natural fiber industry. Thank you for being a part of our story. Together, let's weave a sustainable future, one fiber at a time.

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Contact us

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.