Ajit Kumar

Startup Name : Stepupify Labs Pvt. Ltd

About Ajit Kumar

StartUp Name : Stepupify Labs Pvt. Ltd

Year : 2021-22

Programme Associated with : Startup Agri-Business Incubation Program-III (SABSWAVLAMBI)

Manufacturing and marketing of AI-driven device for farm surveillance, crop protection & management along with clean energy based farm equipment & machinery for small and marginal farmers to reduce input cost.

For centuries, Indian farmers have been toiling in the fields, and relying on intuition and traditional wisdom to make the most of a bad situation. Besides tending the soil, crops, and livestock, farmers have to deal with climate change, the shifting market conditions and pray that the harvest is good enough to earn some returns. The uncertainties around climate, water and pests coupled with high input & labour cost among others has made life a struggle, with farmer suicides rising every year.


Ajit Kumar (33 years) – a resident of Kahalgaon Subdivision in Bhagalpur district of Bihar have started Stepupify Labs which is a  Robotics & Artificial Intelligence based Agritech startup in Kahalgaon in 2019. After graduating from IIT-Kharagpur from Mechanical Engineering department in 2013 and after working for TATA Motors and a couple of other deep technology based startups in lead role for over five years.

Mr. Ajit after experimenting modern farming in Kahalgaon to understand the challenges, hardship, and drudgery faced by farmers. The start-up has come up with AI, and clean energy based farm equipments like, farm surveillance cum scarer device, multipurpose high-pressure sprayer, battery powered multipurpose brush cutter, and many more to come. The start-up has got provisional patent for all these products. So far Stepupify has delivered eqipments to more than 350 farmers across India in 22 states. These equipment are also helping to generate livelihood for farmers. The start-up can be an asset for the improving the farmers efficacy and profitability.


Contact us

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.