Shahid Pervez

Startup Name : Agrofarm Solutions Private Limited

About Shahid Pervez

StartUp Name : Agrofarm Solutions Private Limited

Year : 2020-21

Programme Associated with : Startup Agri-Business Incubation Program-II (SABSWAVLAMBI)

Fully automated Mechanical processing platform for makhana farmers for makhana popping and rosted seed for extended shelf-life of makhana seed.

In recent years, farming of traditionally grown crops like corn and rice in Bihar, has been hit by weather uncertainties and recurring floods. Some farmers, however, have turned the crisis into an opportunity by taking up the cultivation of foxnut as their primary produce. Popularly known as makhana, foxnut comes from the plant prickly water lily (Euryale ferox) which grows in the stagnant water of wetlands or ponds. But due to engagement of more farmers into makhana farming have lead them to another big issue of high supply of raw makhana seeds during harvest season and it cannot be stored for future production due to peshability. And this is the major plight of farmers engaged in makhana farming.

Shahid Pervez from Saharsa Bihar, started his journey of Makhana Processing in 2013, after getting information by a factory owner of AMBALA about Makhana Processing Machine (MPM), who was fabricating this new machine for the 1st time by Jwala Industries, Ambala. The machine was at prototype stage and it was not commercially viable. Mr. Shahid worked on further development under the supervision of Dr. Vishwakarma, CIPHET, Ludhiana for 3 years and finally come up with commercially viable roasting and popping machine.

During the period of ROASTING of Makhana seed, he found a stage at particular temperature and moisture level. If at this moisture level the seed kept for gelatinization for 48 hours, the seed can be stored for 8 months and ready for popping. This was the real breakthrough which will address the farmers’ problem of distress selling and wastage of raw seed.

This process will change the direction and condition of Makhana Industries. A lot of Makhana seeds get rotted in the peak harvesting periods. The Makhana Industries will flourish throughout the year. This will give a new and better dimension to MAKHANA INDUSTRIES altogether.

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