Santosh Kumar

Startup Name : AnandSagar natural Dairy Farm Pvt. Ltd.

About Santosh Kumar

StartUp Name : AnandSagar natural Dairy Farm Pvt. Ltd.

Year : 2019-20

Programme Associated with : Startup Agri-Business Incubation Program-I (SABSWAVLAMBI)

Working on integrated Sahiwal cow rearing value chain to increase the income of small dairy producers and provide premium quality milk to the health-conscious urban households. Maintaining the supply chain through Block-chain technique

According to the reports in the literature demand for commercially processed liquid milk is affected negatively because the availability of pure and safe liquid milk from a reliable source is low in state like Bihar, West Bengal and Odhisha. Research(NDRI) shows that almost all of the milk samples, both raw and processed (both pasteurized and Ultra High Temperature (UHT)), are adulterated in many different ways, such as mixing water, cane sugar, powdered milk, starch, detergent, formalin or sodium bicarbonate, and are highly contaminated with focal organisms. Furthermore, since marketers have been supplying adulterated milk to meet the excess demand, regrettably, consumers are confused and they have less scope to believe that this commercially processed liquid milk is safe and fresh.

Santosh Kumar (25 years) founder of Anandsagar Natural Dairy Pvt. Ltd.  is doing dairy farming of pure & natural indigenous cow milk and also procures milk from dairy farmers and then sells it to the people across Patna City. But, his story does not end here. He is actively involved at the socio economic empowerment of the marginal and landless farmers though his endeavour. He offers training to these farmers and guides them to apply for bank loans. Now, after availing the loans they are able to step into dairy farming. Venture help farmers in complete INTEGRATED LIVESTOCK REARING VALUE CHAIN, his main focus is Indian breed of Sahiwal Cow. His venture is achieving millstone step by step. “His venture is not only about marketing milk but aim to economic upliftment of the marginal and landless farmers. They are selling pure and fresh milk to people in Patna. He had brought Sahiwal breed of cows to produce pure & natural indigenous milk. The milk supplied by this company is low on preservatives and high on nutritional value and the bovines are organically feed that enhances the quality of milk and customers are empowered to check the traceability of the milk consumed with the help of Block-chain technology.

Santosh Kumar and team are working on integrated Sahiwal cow rearing value chain to increase the income of small dairy producers and provide premium quality milk to the health conscious urban households. Small dairy producers will use lateral integration to remain competitive in our community dairy farms. They will share facilities such as heifer raising, feed centres and equipment. Milking Cows will be fed and managed 24 hours per day in a specialized shared transition cow facility to optimize health and well-being.

Contact us

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