Jay Prakash Sharma

Startup Name : Mentor Rural Management Pvt. Ltd.

About Jay Prakash Sharma

StartUp Name : Mentor Rural Management Pvt. Ltd.

Year : 2019-20

Programme Associated with : Startup Agri-Business Incubation Program-I (SABSWAVLAMBI)

Developed digital platform to provide holistic solution of farm inputs and modern technical assistance to farmers as well providing market to farm produce.

There is a huge gap between farmers and various agro based stakeholders such as Agro input companies, manufacturers, institutional buyers, financial institution and end-consumer (who consume their farm produce). Also, there is no structured way how direct communication with farmers can be established for customized crop production or feedback of seed or other agro input like soil testing, crop planning, farmer’s training, crop advisory based on input purchased, relevant information, and market linkages of their farm produce are the major problems/challenges they are facing.

Therefore, small and marginal farmers are dependent on multiple channels for their various agricultural requirements – crop advisory, agro – input and market linkages of their farm produce. Due to dependency on multiple channels, Farming community (Specially small & marginal farmers) experience low productivity & profitability due to scarce value chain services in Agriculture/Farming Sector.

Hailing from a farming background, based at Gaya (Bihar), Jaiprakash Sharma is always familiar with the troubles of farmers. Many times during interactions with farmers at his native village (Allipur, Gaya) felt the degree of their unhappiness regarding poor productivity and profitability (Income Generation) due to lack of affordable and accessible Agri Value Chain Creation Platform. Therefore, Farming community lack of basic necessities & Amenities - Hunger, Malnutrition, Education & Employment etc. Having experienced the kind of challenges, he strongly felt the need for Efficient & Robust Agri Value Creation Chain Platform to cater the needs in holistic way at one place (Platform) for the betterment of their life. That’s why Jaiprakash Sharma created “360 – degree Platform for Agri Value Creation Chain” to offer their required Products/Services at one place in-order to fulfil their basic need for Agriculture/Farming Sector.

He has designed his platform in such a way that can work as a Special Purpose Vehicle(SPV) to offer Agro input as well as Market linkages to farmers in order to increase their Productivity and profitability (Income generation) effectively.

To ensure small and marginal farmers get access to holistic agri services hassle free, and at the same time to remove the middlemen during agribusiness transaction, they formed “Mentor Rural Management Pvt. Ltd.” (A Global Platform for Rural Development).

Eventually they came up with E-Krishi Seva (ekrishiseva.com) concept to provide last mile delivery of “360 – Degree Platform for Agri Value chain” services to farmers starting from soil testing, crop planning, Agri-input, farmer’s training, crop advisory based on input purchased relevant information and market linkages of their farm produce are the solutions what we are offering through below divisions:-

Contact us

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.