Atul Kumar

Startup Name : Savitri Renewable Energy Pvt. Ltd.

About Atul Kumar

StartUp Name : Savitri Renewable Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Year : 2019-20

Programme Associated with : Startup Agri-Business Incubation Program-I (SABSWAVLAMBI)

Delivery of Dairy Products, Fruits & Vegetables, Pulses & Food Grains and other natural products to client’s doorstep through android app and direct sale.

In spite of paying prices, consumers are not getting the edibles vegetables and fruits which they deserve to maintain a healthy life. Unknown sources of food, vague quality information, lack of accountability and almost absence of quality service are the issues faced by the consumers. On the other side farmers are not getting adequate money and security for their produce. Both producers and consumers are on the receiving end. The prevailing system has given unfair advantage to the middle men, who are somewhat exploiting the need of both the sides.


To bring transparency on the table, Atul Kumar (31 years) with engineering background and successful entrepreneur has brought the concept of “Know Your Food”, which enlightens his consumers about the source of food, entire supply chain and nutritional value in their plate. Eradicating middle men from the process has helped to bring a quality and cost efficient solution for their consumers, and justified compensation for farmers. Provision of a platform for multiple products, has incentivized his farmers to grow from single crop to multiple crop.

His brand Natural Agro Farm is an online app/ off line platform for Fresh Produce supply chain (Dairy Products, Fruits & Vegetables) for local producers & local community without affecting the nature.

This makes access to fresh products economical and convenient for normal everyday consumers. His innovation is a win-win opportunity for both producers and consumers as the producers get better remuneration for their produce and consumers get best quality products at a reasonable price. He do eliminate uncertainty and add transparency to both the ends as farmers get regular orders for their produce and consumers are guaranteed to have access to unadulterated products.

SABAGRIs incubation has played a pivotal role which not only helped to commercialize technologies but also complements farmer's development, provides researchers with an avenue for feedback, facilitates investments (physical and fiscal) into the value chain, and fosters the growth of business.

Contact us

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.