Agripreneurship Orientation Programme (Pre-Seed)

AOP (Idea to Prototype): SABUMANG

This programme aims at providing an opportunity to aspiring agripreneurs to work on their innovative ideas by imparting one month training. Guided by experienced incubation team and other external experts including successful startups, they will be able to understand business concepts/nuances, strategy and practical insights of specific industries or markets, challenges, and strategies to resolve them.

After successful completion of the one-month orientation programme, the Selection, and Investment Committee (SIC) will recommend the selected startups for Idea/Pre-Seed Stage Funding grant-in-aid up to Rs. 5.00 lakhs to Nodal Division, Department of Agriculture Cooperation and Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW).


  1. To nurture potential agripreneurs by providing training consisting practical, technical, and business insights.
  2. To create and nurture a pipeline of agripreneurs for incubators.
  3. To make pursuing entrepreneurship related to innovative ideas an attractive career option among other available career choices.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. A start-up which has a product ready and may be launched in the market before testing and validation.
  2. From the agricultural perspective, the innovation may be radical or incremental displaying at product, process or business model at regional level.
  3. Enrolled Incubatee (before the release of funds) should fulfil the criteria as per the startup definition as per the DIPP(Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion) notifications from time-to-time.
  4. Enrolled Incubatee (Pre-Seed Stage) should have a business idea to develop a product or a service with market fit/PoC/Prototype before funds recommendation from SIC and before signing of the MoU with the concerned incubator.

Selection Process of Incubatee for Pre-seed Stage Funding

  1. All applicants for this programme will apply as per the prescribed format.
  2. The selection of agripreneurs that have an innovative idea based on technology, service, business platforms etc. and interest in pursuing their entrepreneurial aspirations full time, shall be done by the RKVY Incubation Committee (RIC).
  3. After one month of online/residency/ incubation programme, RIC will evaluate the progress of the incubatee and based on their performance, may recommend the incubatee to the Selection and Investment Committee (SIC) for final recommendation of grant-in-aid.
  4. The decision of Selection and Investment Committee (SIC) in this regard will be final. The SIC will not be bound to give any reason in case an application for pre-seed fund is rejected.

Pattern of Funding Support and Release of Funds

  1. SABAGRIs, BAU would execute a legal agreement with the incubatee who is selected for the pre-seed support and this agreement should be signed before the release of the pre-seed fund to the incubatee. The terms of agreement with the incubatees startup should be framed by SABAGRIs BAU linking with the progress milestones, monitoring norms etc.
  2. Each selected startup will be provided with a maximum limit of Rs. 5 Lakhs as grant in-aid under the scheme in one instalment based on the recommendation of SIC.
  3. In case, the incubatee is already receiving grant/financial support from any other Government source for the same project/ product / activity will not be eligible under RKVY for grant-in-aid support.
  4. For ensuring incubatee/ private participation in the programme, 15 percent of the funds recommended /sanctioned will be borne by the incubatee.
  5. Under the Agriprenureship Orientation Programme (AOP), a stipend of Rs. 10,000.00 will be granted to the agripreneurs for one month, if conducted in offline mode.

Submit completed application forms in prescribed format at:

Apply Online:

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