Student Orientation Program (SOP)

An opportunity for the students to convert their innovative agribusiness idea into prototype/product/service. A grant-in-aid support up to ₹ 4.00 lakh is provided to convert their idea into reality.

Student orientation program is aimed at providing an opportunity to individuals to develop and validate their innovative ideas in Agribusiness sector by imparting two months mentoring cum hands on internship with other startups in Agriculture and allied sectors. Guided by experienced mentors and innovative startups, they will be able to understand business concepts/nuances, strategy and practical insights of specific industries or markets, challenges, and strategies to resolve them.

After successful completion of the one month orientation program, SABAGRIs will provide opportunity for the SOP participants to pitch for grant-in-Aid up to ₹ 4.00 Lakh to convert their innovative agribusiness idea into prototype/product/service.

Objectives of the SOP program

  1. To nurture potential Students by providing mentoring internship with other startups to provide them practical, technical, and business insights.
  2. To create and nurture a pipeline of Students for incubators.
  3. To make pursuing entrepreneurship related to innovative ideas an attractive career option among other available career choices.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The applicant should propose one innovative idea based on technology, process, service, business platforms etc. in the Agri-business sector for increasing efficiency in agriculture and allied sectors.
  • The applicant should have an initial business plan/proposal for the idea they intend to pursue.

Selection Process of Interns for Agripreneurship Orientation Program

  1. SABAGRIs shall announce the program and call for applications from the intended participants.
  2. All applicants for this program will apply as per the prescribed format (Application Form).
  3. The selection of students that have an innovative idea based on technology, product, service, business platforms etc. and interest in pursuing their entrepreneurial aspirations full time, shall be done by SABAGRIs, BAU, Sabour.
  4. Under this program, SABAGRIs will select Agripreneurs with workable innovative idea in agri-business sector and recommend them for grant-in-aid.

Funding Support

Student Orientation Program: Under this program after final evaluation, subsistence grant of a maximum of ₹ 4.00 Lakh (up to 90% of the Project cost) will be provided to the students who have successfully completed the initial one month of Student Orientation Program and are aspiring to convert their innovative idea based on technology, service, business platforms etc. into a prototype/product/service.

Focus Areas

  1. Agriculture Extension
  2. Agriculture Input
  3. Agriculture Logistics
  4. Agro Processing
  5. Animal Husbandry
  6. Artificial Intelligence
  7. Biotechnology
  8. Block Chain Technology
  9. Dairy
  10. Farm Mechanization & Innovations
  11. Fisheries
  12. Food Technology and Value Addition
  13. Information and Communication Technology
  14. Internet of Things
  15. Natural Resource Management
  16. Online or Virtual Platform
  17. Organic Farming and Products
  18. Precision Farming and Digital Agriculture
  19. Renewal Energy
  20. Value and Supply Chain Management
  21. Waste to Wealth
  22. Secondary Agriculture
  23. Others

Broad Activities

  1. Shortlisted Students will receive 50+ hours of initial training at SABAGRIs with hands on training cum internship with startups.
  2. They will provide different aspects of the business as well as technical training so that they can refine/work on their innovative business idea simultaneously.

How to apply

We accept only online applications for the program. You can submit your application in the following link given.

Application link – Updating soon

Contact us

Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.