AOP (Idea to Prototype): SABUMANG

This programme aimed at providing an opportunity to students/farmers/ youth to work on their innovative ideas by imparting two months training cum hands on internship 10,000 per months. They will be guided by experienced and innovative startups and will be able to understand business concepts/nuances, strategy and practical insights of specific industries or markets, challenges and strategies to resolve them.



  1. To nurture potential agripreneurs by providing training cum internship with other startups to provide them practical, technical and business insights.
  2. To create and nurture a pipeline of agripreneurs for incubators.
  3. To make pursuing entrepreneurship related to innovative ideas an attractive career option among other available career choices.

Eligibility criteria

  • The recipient should propose one innovative idea based on technology, service, business platforms etc. for increasing efficiency in agriculture.
  • The recipients are expected to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations full time.
  • The recipient should have an initial business plan/ proposal for the idea they intend to pursue.

Focus areas: SABAGRIs supports innovation under agriculture. The business proposals can be broadly submitted in any of the following categories:

  1. Organic Farming
  2. Post harvest and Food technology.
  3. Animal Husbandry, Dairying
  4. Agriculture Extension Education
  5. Agriculture Engineering & Farm Mechanization
  6. Precision Farming & Protected Cultivation
  7. Food processing and Value Addition
  8. Agri-input tools & Technologies
  9. Waste to wealth, Secondary Agriculture
  10. Supply chain management
  11. IoT, ICT & AI in Agriculture
  12. Agri clinics & Farm health services
  13. Agricultural Biotechnology
  14. Natural resource management
  15. Floriculture & Land scaping
  16. Ornamental agriculture
  17. Bio- agents & Bio- Fertilizers

Selection process of Interns for Agripreneurship Orientation

  • Application will be invited online/offline.
  • All applicants for this programme will apply as per the prescribed format.
  • The selection of agripreneurs that have an innovative idea based on technology, service, business platforms etc. and interest in pursuing their entrepreneurial aspirations full time, shall be done by the RIC.
  • Under this component, the R-ABI will select a batch of 30 agripreneurs that have a workable innovative idea.

Broad Activities

  • These young agripreneurs will receive up to 60 hours initial training in R- ABI along with hands on training cum internship with other R-ABI startups.
  • They will refine/ work on their innovative idea simultaneously.


Idea/ Pre-Seed Stage Funding

Under this, subsistence grant of a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs will be provided to interns who have successfully completed the initial two months of agripreneurship orientation programme and are aspiring to convert their innovative idea based on technology, service, business platforms etc. into a prototype/ product.

Startups supported for idea/pre-seed stage funding will be eligible for obtaining next stage of Seed Stage Funding after evaluation.


To develop an innovative idea based on technology, service, business platforms etc. into prototype/ product, services/ platforms etc. and launching of a business based on that.

  1. To provide an opportunity to budding agripreneurs/students for venturing into the agribusiness arena as well as for minimizing risks involved in businesses based on innovation.
  2. To attract and retain a large number of enthusiastic and skilled youth in agriculture.
  3. To create a pipeline of innovative startups for incubators.

Eligibility Criteria

  • After successful completion of the initial two months of the agripreneurship orientation programme, interns will qualify for getting Idea/Pre-Seed Stage Funding.
  • The recipient should be registered for the incubation programme at the R- ABI for the entire duration of Idea/ Pre-Seed Stage Funding.
  • The recipient will register his/her company before the release of the grant or he/she has to be an Indian start-up as per DIPP notification.

Selection Process of Startups for Pre-Seed Stage Funding

  1. After successful completion of the initial two months of the agripreneurship orientation programme, the interested interns will make a presentation before RIC of SABAGRIs. The RIC will evaluate interns on the basis of progress made on their innovative idea in the two months of agripreneurship orientation programme and recommend the interns to RC for their final evaluation.
  2. The RC will evaluate and recommend the interns for Idea Stage Funding.
  3. On the recommendation of RC, the first instalment of the grant-in-aid will be released by the Nodal Division to incubatees through the respective R- ABI.
  4. SABAGRIs will execute a legal agreement with the incubatee who is selected for the seed support and this agreement should be signed before the release of the first instalment of seed fund to the Incubatees. The terms of agreement with the incubate startup should be framed by the R- ABI linking the progress milestones, monitoring norms etc.
  5. Subsequent disbursement schedules should be linked to the achievement of milestones by the incubatees.

Pattern of Funding Support and Release of Funds

  1. Under this component of the scheme a maximum of 20 idea stage startups will be supported. Each selected startup will be provided a maximum limit of Rs 5 lakh as grant in aid under the scheme for working on their idea to convert it into a marketable product. The amount of Rs. 5 lakh is the upper limit of the seed fund assistance. The applicant incubatees would be provided funds as per their genuine requirements and as per appraisal/evaluation of their business plans by the RC and the decision of the RC in this regard will be final. The RC will not be bound to give any reason in case an application for seed loan is rejected. In case, the incubatee is already receiving grant/financial support from any other source, he should disclose the same and the issue of grant under RKVY-RAFTAAR will be decided on a case to case basis by RC based on recommendation of the RIC.
  2. For ensuring the incubatee / private participation in the programme, 10 percent of the project cost on a proportionate basis will be borne by the incubatee. The remaining 90 percent of the project cost on a proportionate basis up to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs will be borne under the RKVY- RAFTAAR scheme which will be released in two instalments as mentioned below:
  3. The first instalment of 60 % of the amount of the sanctioned project for support under Idea Stage Funding will be released after signing of the agreement between the incubator/ R-ABI (SABAGRIs) and the incubatee.
  4. The final instalment of 40% will be released to the Incubatees by the Nodal Division through R-ABIs after recommendation of RIC and RC based on their performance and milestone achieved as well as after utilization of 80% of previously released amount and receipt of provisional UC of 80% of already released funds.

Broad Activities to be supported under Pre-Seed Stage Funding

Expenses for the following broad activities would be supported under Pre-Seed Stage Funding:

  1. Development of prototype/ product.
  2. Expenses on data generation/ Data acquisition for ideas working on IT side/AI side.
  3. Fees for technology commercialization and IP issues.
  4. Manpower for day to day operations.
  5. Day to day operational expenses like electricity bill, incubation charges etc..
  6. Any other area/activity as deemed necessary and recommended by the RIC of R-ABIs.

Call for application: Notified on the website  Apply Now



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